Updated on August 22, 2024
Post-1.0.0 to-do list
- Build example to-do app using Baleada tools
- Build example blog/static site using Baleada tools
- Build example e-commerce site using Baleada tools
- Pursue other tool category ideas
Ideas for other tool categories
Baleada Features
UI logic composed into more widely recognized UI features
Baleada Interface
Components that make user interfaces look better. You can never have too many UI component libraries.
Baleada Shapes
Components that render useful SVGs (e.g. waves, triangles, gradients, blobs, etc.)
Baleada Scaffold
CLI tool for scaffolding out Nuxt, Next, and Sapper projects with other Baleada tools pre-installed
Baleada Baleadas
A gallery with photos of actual baleadas